I was sitting at home the other night, it was around 12:15AM, and I was half asleep waiting for my son to get home for the night.
Something all of the sudden didn’t feel right to me.
I knew it involved my son, and I was interpreting it as him having some sort of accident. (This was an intuitive feeling, different than the regular worry that comes along with being the Mom of a teenage driver).
So, instead of panicking I called in the spirit of my Grandpa who has assigned himself as the watcher over all the kids in the family. He especially watches over the ones that are driving.
I said, “Grandpa you’ve got to get to him and make sure he’s OK please.”  
A calm feeling came over me, so I let it be.
Five minutes later my phone is ringing, and it’s my son.
His car broke down, right before he was about to get on the freeway and make a 20 minute drive home at midnight.
He happened to break down where he could safely pull into a neighborhood,...

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The Power Of Surrender

Surrender... The power of surrender space.

When I first started playing with this concept, I had no idea what it really felt like to surrender.

What did that even mean?
Do I just give up on my goals?
On hard work?
Give up on what I wanted and just “let it go”? No way. Surely it couldn’t mean any of these things.
How could people recommend so highly to give up on things?

I tried to ignore the concept.
And then at one point, I did try it on for a second…I did not like it.
It made me uncomfortable.
So I put it in the shadows and kept ignoring it.

However, as we understand, if we are meant to know, work through, or learn from something- chances are, it’s going to keep being put before us until we get our  sh@# together and figure it out.

Which is exactly what happened.
Eventually I got the hint.
I released what I previously assumed it meant to surrender.
I chose to look for different perspectives to see what I was missing about such a supposedly...

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