When Manifestation Appears to Go Wrong: How to Keep Going and Stand in Faith

When Manifestation Appears to Go Wrong: How to Keep Going and Stand in Faith

Manifestation can feel magical when things line up perfectly, but what about when it goes seemingly wrong?

As someone who practices manifestation and follows spirit-led guidance, I recently experienced a crushing setback that made me question everything.

My husband and I were in the process of buying a dreamy new home.

The signs were all there: the synchronicities, the numbers that follow us, even the model home's name felt aligned.

Everything seemed divinely orchestrated.

As someone deeply connected to spirit, I asked for clarity. I prayed not to be led down a path that wasn’t meant for us—and yet, we were led down the path anyway.

Right up until closing day, it seemed the house was ours. Then, we received the devastating news that due to a technicality with two of our other rental properties, the deal couldn't be finalized.

On the day we were supposed to get the keys, we were sent...

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Rediscovering the Ancient Roots of "New Age" Practices

Sometimes I get nudges from Spirit to make mention of things. As reminders. To empower others. To let us know it's all going to be OK.  

Through a series of repeated messages and many synchronicities, I feel the call to talk about the misconception of Ancient practices being  'new age' or 'woo woo'. 

In recent times, many practices labeled as "New Age" have gained popularity, often dismissed as modern trends.

However, these practices have deep roots in ancient traditions, embodying wisdom that has been passed down through millennia.

 Many of these practices are grounded in ancient history. The ancients were on to something. There is a reason they held ritual, followed the stars, and made herbal remedies. 


Manifestation Techniques: The Power of Intent

Manifestation, the practice of bringing desires into reality through focused intention, might seem like a modern concept.

Yet, ancient civilizations practiced similar techniques. For example, the...

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Unleashing the Power of Intention: A Blueprint to Manifest Your Dream Life

Welcome, warriors of life!

Today, we embark on a journey to unlock the secret vault of manifestation—the power of intention. In a world filled with chaos, negativity, and doubt, it's easy to lose sight of our dreams.

But I'm here to tell you that you hold the key to your destiny, and it all starts with the power of your intention.


Define Your Vision

Picture this: a life where your deepest desires are not just dreams, but tangible realities.

The first step in manifesting your dream life is to define your vision with crystal clarity.



  1. What does your ideal day look like from start to finish? Describe it in vivid detail, including your surroundings, activities, and interactions.

  2. If you could achieve anything in the next year, what would it be? What goals or milestones would you like to accomplish in various areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth?

  3. Imagine yourself...

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Breaking Free from Self-Doubt: Stepping into Your Power for Manifestation

In the journey of manifestation, one of the biggest obstacles we face is self-doubt.

It's that nagging voice in our heads that whispers, "You're not good enough" or "Who do you think you are to achieve your dreams?"

But what if we could silence that voice and step boldly into our power?
What if we could manifest our dream life with unwavering confidence and self-assurance?

Self-doubt is like a chain that binds us, holding us back from realizing our full potential.

It keeps us playing small, living in fear of failure, and settling for less than we deserve.

But here's the thing: self-doubt is just an illusion—a trick of the mind that convinces us we're not capable of greatness.


The truth is, we are powerful creators, capable of manifesting anything we desire.

So how do we break free from the shackles of self-doubt and step into our power?

It starts with recognizing that self-doubt is just a thought—a thought that we have the power to change. Instead of allowing...

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The Soulful Entrepreneur's Guide to Overcoming Frustration and Igniting Growth

 Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship is an act of courage and passion (and sometimes insanity if we are being honest!).

As soul-led entrepreneurs, we are driven by a deep desire to make a positive impact, share our gifts with the world, and create a life of purpose and abundance.

However, despite our best efforts, we may find ourselves facing the frustrating reality of slow growth and stagnation in our businesses.

If you resonate with this experience, know that you are not alone.

In this guide, we'll delve into the multifaceted journey of overcoming frustration and igniting growth in your entrepreneurial endeavors.


Embrace the Power of Patience (Ew, I know):
In a world obsessed with instant gratification, patience can feel like a lost art.
However, as soul-led entrepreneurs, we understand that true growth takes time.
Embracing patience allows us to cultivate resilience, trust in divine timing, and maintain a long-term perspective on our journey.
Rather than...

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