Unmasking the Resolution Myth: A Revolutionary Approach to Manifesting 2024

Every year, we find ourselves caught in the resolution trap—a cycle of setting ambitious goals only to watch them fade into oblivion by February.

But what if there's a powerful alternative that transcends the limitations of traditional resolutions?

Ideally if you are following the natural flow of the seasons, you will have already started doing some release and reflection work during Samhain, and started collecting your intentions for the year ahead around the Winter Solstice. (Manifestation and "Resolutions" don't all have to be done at one time!) 

A manifestation lifestyle is a CURATION. 
Which takes time to curate. 

I personally also prefer following the energy of my intentions rather than setting "resolutions.' There is nothing wrong with it, if that is what works for you.

For me, resolutions leave me trying to figure it all out at one time, becoming overwhelmed, then going into self-sabotage and procrastination mode. 

Intentions are different.


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Alchemize Monday, Unleash Your Manifestation Magic: Turn Dreams into Reality

The Wayward Witch
Alchemize Monday, Unleash Your Manifestation Magic: Turn Dreams into Reality

Do you ever find yourself waking up on a Monday morning, feeling the weight of the week ahead, and wondering if your dreams are slipping further away?

You're not alone.

We all face those moments when the monotony of daily life makes us question our manifesting abilities. The struggle is real, and it's something I deeply understand.

The truth is, maintaining a manifestation mindset isn't always a walk in the park. Life throws us many curveballs, responsibilities pile up, and doubt creeps in.

But here's the thing: those are the precise moments when you have the power to transform your reality.

It's not about avoiding struggles; it's about using them as stepping stones.

I live a manifestation lifestyle. 
Meaning I am always stepping back into the space of conscious creator, even after life throws me another curveball. 

I've compiled a list of some practical, transformative steps to help you ignite your Monday Manifestations (even when your ego wants to be mad about...

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Ever been caught in the crossfire of what your heart wants, and what your logical mind says?

Here's the way out.

We've all been there—caught in the crossfire of conflicting desires.

On one side, your heart yearns for something, whether it's a dream job, a loving relationship, or a daring adventure. On the other side, your logical mind chimes in with doubts, fears, and practical considerations. It can be a battle of epic proportions, leaving you feeling stuck and torn.


So, how can you navigate this internal tug-of-war and find a way out?
Let's explore some strategies to help you harmonize your heart's desires with your logical mind.

1. Understand the Roles of Your Heart and Mind

To find balance, it's essential to understand the roles of your heart and your logical mind. Your heart is the seat of your emotions, passions, and intuition. It guides you toward what brings you joy and fulfillment. On the other hand, your logical mind is responsible for analyzing situations,...

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When You Manifest The "Wrong" Thing....



Have you ever manifested something, then decided it's not what you really want? Maybe even ends up being the total opposite of what you what? 

When I see this happen, people often feel like they are unable to make "the right" decision (present company included) and they end up sticking around a situation a little too long.

Guilt, self-judgement, lack of faith, fear- all the makings for some serious blocked energy btw. 


The line of thinking is usually something like: "I manifested it, I better stick it out." 
Or if it's happened a time or two (or twenty) before, you might also think something like: "I manifest what I want, and then I don't want it. I can't trust myself to make decisions anymore." 


But if we zoom way out and we tune into the higher perspective- there was still a reason, a code, a lesson, a download, a perspective shift, available to you within that manifestation you created. 

To keep the manifestation...

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