The Path of The Spider-Manifestation

The Wayward Witch
The Path of The Spider-Manifestation

The Path of The Spider
Conscious Creation- Building the magical life we TRULY desire.
An Animal Spirit & Archetype to work with for Manifestation


Key Energy:  Creativity & The Weaving Of Fate  


Spider first started coming into my awareness about two years ago when Tracey and I were doing Animal Spirit Readings. 

We were pulling spider as one of the animal messengers for almost every single person who signed up for a reading! 

The message of being a conscious creator and weaving your own reality came up reading after reading. 


I have invited spider to be a part of my totem ever since. 


Do I like spiders in real life? No I do not. I try to make nice with them as best I can, because I truly do appreciate them as a messenger and as an archetype of a Reality Weaver. 


You can find some fascinating lore about the spider. In India Spider is associated with the weaver of illusion. (This makes me think of the...

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If you want the magic, you have to go find it or create it.

I had this message drop in, and then felt urged to share it.

“If you want the magic, you have to go f***ing find it or create it.” (and yes, the F word WAS included in this drop in message!)

Sometimes things do and will happen for us “as if by magic.”
But, if you are looking for that lasting, tangible magic- that’s going to be on you to create.  

The journey to magic requires inner work, shadow work, energy work, and body work.

You know- the whole Mind, Body, Soul thing?

It can feel like a daunting task, being at the very bottom of the magic mountain.

It’s really easy for people to say, “I don’t have time for that, it’s too much.”
And then these same people go on to live life on autopilot on the outside, and prisoners of their own mind on the inside. 
Why? Because they still desire the f*&^ing magic, that is why.

I know this because I was one of those people. And now I work with many of those people to...

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Desert Magic

I have been working with the magic of the desert long before I knew there even was such a thing.

The desert and I have a history. A history which has recently been reconciled through a journey of shadow work, soul wealth acceleration, and the willingness to completely shut down a whole bunch of old timelines.

Staring out the window at the vast landscape I used to see nothing but death, colorless dried plant life, struggle, and discomfort.
Now I see and feel all the beauty that sprouts from the desert. I also recognize the magic, the pioneering, and the ancient wisdom and medicine it has to share. I have unknowingly been collecting much of that wisdom, medicine, and magic along my travels and time here in the desert. I have a lot of Desert Magic to share in this series of #WaywardAdventures.

Looking for inspiration for how to kick off the Desert Magic Series, I felt called to pull cards from the Sedona Deck originally created by a local artist back in ’99.

Below is a beautiful...

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A Day In The Life Of A Wayward Witch

I posted in my group today about how I was reflecting on my day, and I felt compelled to expand on it and share a message of hope, a message of choosing YOU, and of keeping your soul desires at the forefront of your intentions. 

A day in the life of a Wayward Witch...(and keep in mind for later, that five years ago none of this was my reality!).
Magic moments from my day today: 

  • For the first few hours of the day I did a bunch of random things that felt good to do, whatever I wanted in each moment- I worked on some content for my beloved Monthly Magic Membership, I worked on some info for the upcoming Intuition Building Workshop, had some coffee, chilled with the puppy (the one that ate my Tarot cards yesterday!)...there may or may not have been an early morning nap in there as well. 
  • Later on in the day I identified someone's walk in and opened up the invitation for it to be removed from their energy field.
  • I helped someone clear an attachment and cut some...
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Your Current Reality

Everything in your present life is a manifestation of the past. 

Sit with that for a moment. Really feel into that, and what that means for you. 

And when you are ready, read on… this is actually exciting news! 

What this means, is that we have more confirmation that our thoughts truly to do create our reality. 


Simple Solution if you want to change your reality: 
Change your thoughts, and your reality will automatically begin to change, without you having to figure it all out, or force or push anything. 

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.
Time was something I have felt short on for a really long time.
I always hated having the constraints of a 9-5 job. Asking for time off? Ugh! The WORST!  
And of course, I always found myself in the most corporate high stress types of jobs. And then I found myself excelling at them all, even though I was miserable.
So, I'd climb up the...

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