Desert Magic

I have been working with the magic of the desert long before I knew there even was such a thing.

The desert and I have a history. A history which has recently been reconciled through a journey of shadow work, soul wealth acceleration, and the willingness to completely shut down a whole bunch of old timelines.

Staring out the window at the vast landscape I used to see nothing but death, colorless dried plant life, struggle, and discomfort.
Now I see and feel all the beauty that sprouts from the desert. I also recognize the magic, the pioneering, and the ancient wisdom and medicine it has to share. I have unknowingly been collecting much of that wisdom, medicine, and magic along my travels and time here in the desert. I have a lot of Desert Magic to share in this series of #WaywardAdventures.

Looking for inspiration for how to kick off the Desert Magic Series, I felt called to pull cards from the Sedona Deck originally created by a local artist back in ’99.

Below is a beautiful...

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Enchanted Wayward Adventures

I don’t even know where to start with this blog post.

There is so much magick involved, how do you quite possibly share it all in one post?

I suppose it would be a good idea to start at the beginning.

But where does the beginning even start? This lifetime, a thousand lifetimes before? My mind wanders when I try to pull that level of magick and enchantment into one post. There is just too much.

And so many different legs of the journey intertwine and connect at various stages to get us where we are today.

Lets start there, since that word is what sent me down the current path I am on.

Enchantment is a word that has always peeked my interest.
For years I had the phrase “Enchanted Living” in the back of my mind. But like, way back there.
There was always a resonance when that phrase came up, but a very distant one.
So it sat in the back, behind all the shadow, and all the mundane, and all the control drama.


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I was sitting at home the other night, it was around 12:15AM, and I was half asleep waiting for my son to get home for the night.
Something all of the sudden didn’t feel right to me.
I knew it involved my son, and I was interpreting it as him having some sort of accident. (This was an intuitive feeling, different than the regular worry that comes along with being the Mom of a teenage driver).
So, instead of panicking I called in the spirit of my Grandpa who has assigned himself as the watcher over all the kids in the family. He especially watches over the ones that are driving.
I said, “Grandpa you’ve got to get to him and make sure he’s OK please.”  
A calm feeling came over me, so I let it be.
Five minutes later my phone is ringing, and it’s my son.
His car broke down, right before he was about to get on the freeway and make a 20 minute drive home at midnight.
He happened to break down where he could safely pull into a neighborhood,...

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A Day In The Life Of A Wayward Witch

I posted in my group today about how I was reflecting on my day, and I felt compelled to expand on it and share a message of hope, a message of choosing YOU, and of keeping your soul desires at the forefront of your intentions. 

A day in the life of a Wayward Witch...(and keep in mind for later, that five years ago none of this was my reality!).
Magic moments from my day today: 

  • For the first few hours of the day I did a bunch of random things that felt good to do, whatever I wanted in each moment- I worked on some content for my beloved Monthly Magic Membership, I worked on some info for the upcoming Intuition Building Workshop, had some coffee, chilled with the puppy (the one that ate my Tarot cards yesterday!)...there may or may not have been an early morning nap in there as well. 
  • Later on in the day I identified someone's walk in and opened up the invitation for it to be removed from their energy field.
  • I helped someone clear an attachment and cut some...
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Communicating with Crystals

When I first began my Witchy magic making journey I started collecting crystals just to collect them. That's what new witches do right?

Some of those stones I would instinctively feel called to, although I may not have known why. Others I may have been drawn to because they were visually appealing. 

For a while I just sort of carried them around in my purse or put them in a bowl, or on a shelf. Eventually I began to learn more about them, used them with spell and ritual work, set intentions for them, and I ended up taking several courses about crystals and crystal healing. 

I knew lots of things about them, but I didn't necessarily feel anything from them...

Until I learned to energetically connect and communicate with them. I learned how to check in and ask if they want to come home with me, or work with me. I was taught to ask if they were ethically mined. 

Some are there to hold energy. Some are there to hold space or certain frequencies. Some are there to hold...

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As most of us are confined to our homes, we have no choice but to start facing some of our shadows. And what a powerful and supportive time to do so. 

We have been forced to stop.
To slow down.
And to find new ways of being.

There is much power to be discovered in the stillness and in turning within. 

That said, I myself have been journeying through a big shadow of my own. One that comes up often and my biggest "stuck" point. This week the shadow emotions came back in like a wrecking ball (as they usually do during the week of a full moon!), and before I went to deep into a loop, I knew it was time to work on another layer. 

The other night, after doing a lot of emotion processing, I was about to fall asleep and the image of my heart shaped rock that was gifted to me in Sedona by Robert Sechrengost (look him up if you don't already know about him!) popped in my mind, clear as day. 

The energy I felt when I "saw" it told me this wasn't just a random image...

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Sedona Medicine

When we were in Sedona for our Healing Retreat last month I bought a unique locally designed Oracle Deck. This deck has a really special energy to it, and I just knew it wanted to work with me to bring sacred Earth and Animal messages. 

I have been asking my guide team every day how I can best show up and serve my tribe right now during such unprecedented times. Often I will feel called to post motivational, uplifting, or thought provoking content. Other times I am called to create printed material and free guidebooks, or host a few free circles. But today's message feels really special. Especially since I have been calling in deeper relationships and magic working with Earth, plant, animal, and spirit energies. 

Today the Sedona Oracle deck was sitting to the left of me on my desk, and kept drawing my attention on and off throughout the day.

I finally picked it up and where I normally will shuffle before picking a card, I felt drawn to spread them all out on my desk....

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