Ready for the third  ingredient to my manifesting potion?
This is another main ingredient, and works side by side with Manifesting Tip #2- POSSIBILITY.  



Specifically sanctuary of the mind. (Hint: Bringing the tools together, when we start to become intentional with our thought and energy currency, and we start to  bring in possibility for our manifestations, we are already beginning to grid sanctuary space). 


If you want to boost and accelerate your manifestations, creating a sanctuary in your mind is a sure way to do that. 


To create sanctuary of mind means to: 


  • Do the shadow work around anything standing in the way of allowing the manifestation to take place. Common shadows will be around abundance, deservingness, receiving, possibility. 
  • Step into faith (and re-step into it again and again) that your manifestation is not only possible and available, but is already...
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Want to know another ingredient to my manifesting potion?
This is a main ingredient, or the potion will not work properly.
If the world is images and thoughts of our mind manifested- that means we must have thoughts of possibility in our mind and project them out.
In other words, if you aren’t allowing for possibility for the thing you wish to manifest, it has very little chance to manifest into physical reality.

Let’s say you are manifesting a job change or a new relationship, but your most dominant and recurring thoughts are things like:
“I’m never going to be able to leave this job. I have no idea how this is possible? I am too afraid to leave this job. I’m too old/inexperienced/tired/not enough to have my dream job.”
“I’m never going to meet a good partner. I have never had a good relationship and probably never will. It’s so hard to meet someone. I am so lonely. I don’t love myself, but want to find...
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Want to know one of the number one methods I use for manifesting the reality I desire?


Not only do I intend for things to happen, but I also work with intention when it comes to how I spend the CURRENCY of my:


These are all aspects of our overall "Soul Wealth", and I now use them with great care, attention, intention, and soul.

These areas also impact the abundance or magic we experience in our outer world.

Intention is something we are also starting to dive into in my Shadow Work program. Not only does intention help us with our manifesting, but it also helps when it comes to doing our shadow work, and stepping into our own personal place of real power.

My question for you to ponder on today is this:
How much intention have you been putting into your day to day life, your thoughts, and your decisions?

Don't forget you can consciously write your reality.
I've done it. 
Many times. 

It's amazing.  
And I...
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I shared a version of this post inside my Abundance Reset & Mastery group yesterday, speaking to manifesting and the shadows that can come up.
But this really applies to all variations of shadow work, so I wanted to share here too. This is essentially my framework for stepping out of shadow and into a more empowered space.
It's always going to start within the mindset.
What do I do when I find myself start venturing to Shadow Town?
Well, first I recognize that it is just shadow coming up.
I do a check in and ask myself, 'Am I ready to re-pattern this, or does it require deeper work'?
I also tune into the current energies, or check into what is going on astrologically, to see if that's amplifying things.
Just so I am fully aware of what's going on, and possibly why, and what's connected.
(Doing this also helps me tune into the energy of what is going on with the tribe. It helps me...
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Pattern Interrupt Protocol

Do you have a pattern interrupt process when you are trying to shift energy, moods, patterns, or behaviors? 

A pattern interrupt is often required when we are working on releasing the programmed neuropathways tied to the shadows we are working to alchemize. 

The first step is shadow work. 

The next step is to understand that a reprogramming may be in order. 

Although we may have done our shadow work, some of our thoughtforms, beliefs, and behaviors have been present for so long that they become programmed into our being. They become part of the neuropathway and operating procedure. And much of the time we don't even realize it has become our nature. 
The thoughts/beliefs are just so automatic at this point, we don't even recognize it. That is why I am always talking about how important it is to investigate our daily routines, our day to day thoughts, and our to-do lists. Things become so programmed into our being, we go about it in more of a...

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I was sitting at home the other night, it was around 12:15AM, and I was half asleep waiting for my son to get home for the night.
Something all of the sudden didn’t feel right to me.
I knew it involved my son, and I was interpreting it as him having some sort of accident. (This was an intuitive feeling, different than the regular worry that comes along with being the Mom of a teenage driver).
So, instead of panicking I called in the spirit of my Grandpa who has assigned himself as the watcher over all the kids in the family. He especially watches over the ones that are driving.
I said, “Grandpa you’ve got to get to him and make sure he’s OK please.”  
A calm feeling came over me, so I let it be.
Five minutes later my phone is ringing, and it’s my son.
His car broke down, right before he was about to get on the freeway and make a 20 minute drive home at midnight.
He happened to break down where he could safely pull into a neighborhood,...

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A Day In The Life Of A Wayward Witch

I posted in my group today about how I was reflecting on my day, and I felt compelled to expand on it and share a message of hope, a message of choosing YOU, and of keeping your soul desires at the forefront of your intentions. 

A day in the life of a Wayward Witch...(and keep in mind for later, that five years ago none of this was my reality!).
Magic moments from my day today: 

  • For the first few hours of the day I did a bunch of random things that felt good to do, whatever I wanted in each moment- I worked on some content for my beloved Monthly Magic Membership, I worked on some info for the upcoming Intuition Building Workshop, had some coffee, chilled with the puppy (the one that ate my Tarot cards yesterday!)...there may or may not have been an early morning nap in there as well. 
  • Later on in the day I identified someone's walk in and opened up the invitation for it to be removed from their energy field.
  • I helped someone clear an attachment and cut some...
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The Power Of Surrender

Surrender... The power of surrender space.

When I first started playing with this concept, I had no idea what it really felt like to surrender.

What did that even mean?
Do I just give up on my goals?
On hard work?
Give up on what I wanted and just “let it go”? No way. Surely it couldn’t mean any of these things.
How could people recommend so highly to give up on things?

I tried to ignore the concept.
And then at one point, I did try it on for a second…I did not like it.
It made me uncomfortable.
So I put it in the shadows and kept ignoring it.

However, as we understand, if we are meant to know, work through, or learn from something- chances are, it’s going to keep being put before us until we get our  sh@# together and figure it out.

Which is exactly what happened.
Eventually I got the hint.
I released what I previously assumed it meant to surrender.
I chose to look for different perspectives to see what I was missing about such a supposedly...

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Self Love & Shadow Work

I absolutely adore that I pulled the Love & Nurture Your Body card today. Such perfect timing, as I was just going through the Self-Love, Body-Love section for the Intro to Shadow Work course. And as I was going through that section, I was thinking to myself, “This topic is a really big and important deal.”

Our intuition, our signals, our truths, our signs of alignment- those are felt within the body. If we are disconnected, ashamed of, and not really occupying our body, how many intuitive messages are we missing?

Not only that, but how many things do we put in our shadows when it comes to our body?
Shame, embarrassment, judgment, negative talk, hiding, being uncomfortable, disappointment, dissatisfaction…and this list could go on.

One of the most expansive things I was taught throughout my entire journey were the tools and support to love myself and my body again. It did not happen overnight, and it’s a relationship I nurture and grow each and every...

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Presence & a behind the scenes look of what my team and I do in our free time!

My magical team and I gather together and pod often about things like our shadow work and our healing, manifesting, energy and land work, new healing modalities, ways to help our tribe, quantum leaping, and whatever else comes up!

 Tonight we had another call in a series of what we refer to as "money pods", where we talk about healing old limiting abundance beliefs, work on self-worth healing, and creating new intentions modalities and practices to go along with manifesting and matching the frequency of abundance flow. (Even though we call it money pod, we talk about abundance in all forms, not just monetary. Emotional abundance is huge!).

We are at a stage where we've done a ton of shadow work around abundance and self-worth and are now talking about how we can go on to embody and integrate all the new practices, energies, and beliefs.

One of the things we talked about, a key ingredient in the manifesting witches' brew, is gratitude and embodying it. Which led us down a...

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