Want to know one of the number one methods I use for manifesting the reality I desire?


Not only do I intend for things to happen, but I also work with intention when it comes to how I spend the CURRENCY of my:


These are all aspects of our overall "Soul Wealth", and I now use them with great care, attention, intention, and soul.

These areas also impact the abundance or magic we experience in our outer world.

Intention is something we are also starting to dive into in my Shadow Work program. Not only does intention help us with our manifesting, but it also helps when it comes to doing our shadow work, and stepping into our own personal place of real power.

My question for you to ponder on today is this:
How much intention have you been putting into your day to day life, your thoughts, and your decisions?

Don't forget you can consciously write your reality.
I've done it. 
Many times. 

It's amazing.  
And I...
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I shared a version of this post inside my Abundance Reset & Mastery group yesterday, speaking to manifesting and the shadows that can come up.
But this really applies to all variations of shadow work, so I wanted to share here too. This is essentially my framework for stepping out of shadow and into a more empowered space.
It's always going to start within the mindset.
What do I do when I find myself start venturing to Shadow Town?
Well, first I recognize that it is just shadow coming up.
I do a check in and ask myself, 'Am I ready to re-pattern this, or does it require deeper work'?
I also tune into the current energies, or check into what is going on astrologically, to see if that's amplifying things.
Just so I am fully aware of what's going on, and possibly why, and what's connected.
(Doing this also helps me tune into the energy of what is going on with the tribe. It helps me...
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An Open Christmas Letter For My Fellow Wayward Souls

“My Peace Is More Important.”

Your new holiday mantra.

This is an open letter and a permission slip to all my fellow wayward souls this winter season...

If there’s anything you don’t want to do, any amount you don’t want to spend, any tradition you are done carrying forward, anything that makes you feel restricted during the holidays rather than uplifted- 
This is your permission slip and reminder…Your inner peace is more important.
If you are fighting against the current of change this year, let it be different. It's OK if your holidays look different. Change = Experience, Growth, Newness. 
For the past few years I have been witnessing people become stressed, sad, disappointed, overwhelmed, and tired during the holiday season. 

We wait all year to take time off.
To spend time with family.
To celebrate in a big way.
So we try to cram all that celebrating and expectation into a few weeks at the end of the year, when...
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What do you do when you are afraid?

We spend so much time being afraid of fear.
Then we spend even more time being afraid of all the things that 'could go wrong' when it's time to make a decision. Especially if it's one that takes us out of comfort zone. 

Just facing the opportunity to make a decision about something, takes us out of our comfort zone.

Or as I like to call it, our comfort zone of discomfort.
But, the thing is, we know this place. We know all about how uncomfortable we are here. Even though it may suck, there is not an unknown here. We deal with that discomfort zone, because it's also one of comfort to us. 

So, we have this decision to make, and instead of making the decision from a space of trusting our soul,  we choose to dip into our shadow backpack, and conjure up and borrow all kinds of trouble from the future.

It starts with borrowing a little trouble worrying about how this decision could impact us tomorrow. That's not enough, so we conjure up a little more worry...

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Pattern Interrupt Protocol

Do you have a pattern interrupt process when you are trying to shift energy, moods, patterns, or behaviors? 

A pattern interrupt is often required when we are working on releasing the programmed neuropathways tied to the shadows we are working to alchemize. 

The first step is shadow work. 

The next step is to understand that a reprogramming may be in order. 

Although we may have done our shadow work, some of our thoughtforms, beliefs, and behaviors have been present for so long that they become programmed into our being. They become part of the neuropathway and operating procedure. And much of the time we don't even realize it has become our nature. 
The thoughts/beliefs are just so automatic at this point, we don't even recognize it. That is why I am always talking about how important it is to investigate our daily routines, our day to day thoughts, and our to-do lists. Things become so programmed into our being, we go about it in more of a...

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If you want the magic, you have to go find it or create it.

I had this message drop in, and then felt urged to share it.

“If you want the magic, you have to go f***ing find it or create it.” (and yes, the F word WAS included in this drop in message!)

Sometimes things do and will happen for us “as if by magic.”
But, if you are looking for that lasting, tangible magic- that’s going to be on you to create.  

The journey to magic requires inner work, shadow work, energy work, and body work.

You know- the whole Mind, Body, Soul thing?

It can feel like a daunting task, being at the very bottom of the magic mountain.

It’s really easy for people to say, “I don’t have time for that, it’s too much.”
And then these same people go on to live life on autopilot on the outside, and prisoners of their own mind on the inside. 
Why? Because they still desire the f*&^ing magic, that is why.

I know this because I was one of those people. And now I work with many of those people to...

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Desert Magic

I have been working with the magic of the desert long before I knew there even was such a thing.

The desert and I have a history. A history which has recently been reconciled through a journey of shadow work, soul wealth acceleration, and the willingness to completely shut down a whole bunch of old timelines.

Staring out the window at the vast landscape I used to see nothing but death, colorless dried plant life, struggle, and discomfort.
Now I see and feel all the beauty that sprouts from the desert. I also recognize the magic, the pioneering, and the ancient wisdom and medicine it has to share. I have unknowingly been collecting much of that wisdom, medicine, and magic along my travels and time here in the desert. I have a lot of Desert Magic to share in this series of #WaywardAdventures.

Looking for inspiration for how to kick off the Desert Magic Series, I felt called to pull cards from the Sedona Deck originally created by a local artist back in ’99.

Below is a beautiful...

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Enchanted Wayward Adventures

I don’t even know where to start with this blog post.

There is so much magick involved, how do you quite possibly share it all in one post?

I suppose it would be a good idea to start at the beginning.

But where does the beginning even start? This lifetime, a thousand lifetimes before? My mind wanders when I try to pull that level of magick and enchantment into one post. There is just too much.

And so many different legs of the journey intertwine and connect at various stages to get us where we are today.

Lets start there, since that word is what sent me down the current path I am on.

Enchantment is a word that has always peeked my interest.
For years I had the phrase “Enchanted Living” in the back of my mind. But like, way back there.
There was always a resonance when that phrase came up, but a very distant one.
So it sat in the back, behind all the shadow, and all the mundane, and all the control drama.


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Living an Enchanted Life, Allowing the Daily Magic.

When you choose to step into a life of alignment, empowerment, and magic- that is exactly what you experience in return. 

I have moments of magic flow into my life each and every day. 

Beautiful connections to amazing souls. 
Moments of clarity that lead to experiencing the next level of self. 
Abundance flowing in from all areas in such unique and magical ways. 
The experience and connection that comes with working with spirit and guides, and our loved ones on the other side. 
All of the sacred moments. 
All of the healing. 
All of the ways you begin to follow your joy. 
And lets not forget one of my favorite things- the infinite flow of major synchronicity that just happen all the time.

Life begins to feel so enchanting!
You learn to embrace all of the shadows, set all of the loving boundaries, and cultivate a beautiful relationship with your soul.

And it all starts with just a clear intention that you are ready to embrace those...

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The Sacredness of Divine Timing and Nature

Part Two of Combining Intuition and Aligned Action! 

We have been talking a lot about only needing to know our next step. 
For really anything we are wanting to build, create, manifest, or experience in our life. 

Here is another example of just how magical this space of being really gets! 

I have a soul mate client who has been with me for some time, and the other day I received a surprise package in the mail from her. It was The Witches Wisdom Tarot Deck (and an extremely heart-warming note that was a huge form of abundance all on it's own!) 

In the letter she mentions how she really likes the deck and will probably be getting another one, but that she kept hearing my name when she opened the deck. So this was an example of her following an intuitive pull. She could have easily ignored the pull and kept her deck. But she followed the magic. 

So then the deck arrives at my house. And as most of you know, I am very wayward lol.  Which means...

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