I shared a version of this post inside my Abundance Reset & Mastery group yesterday, speaking to manifesting and the shadows that can come up.
But this really applies to all variations of shadow work, so I wanted to share here too. This is essentially my framework for stepping out of shadow and into a more empowered space.
It's always going to start within the mindset.
What do I do when I find myself start venturing to Shadow Town?
Well, first I recognize that it is just shadow coming up.
I do a check in and ask myself, 'Am I ready to re-pattern this, or does it require deeper work'?
I also tune into the current energies, or check into what is going on astrologically, to see if that's amplifying things.
Just so I am fully aware of what's going on, and possibly why, and what's connected.
(Doing this also helps me tune into the energy of what is going on with the tribe. It helps me...
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An Open Christmas Letter For My Fellow Wayward Souls

“My Peace Is More Important.”

Your new holiday mantra.

This is an open letter and a permission slip to all my fellow wayward souls this winter season...

If there’s anything you don’t want to do, any amount you don’t want to spend, any tradition you are done carrying forward, anything that makes you feel restricted during the holidays rather than uplifted- 
This is your permission slip and reminder…Your inner peace is more important.
If you are fighting against the current of change this year, let it be different. It's OK if your holidays look different. Change = Experience, Growth, Newness. 
For the past few years I have been witnessing people become stressed, sad, disappointed, overwhelmed, and tired during the holiday season. 

We wait all year to take time off.
To spend time with family.
To celebrate in a big way.
So we try to cram all that celebrating and expectation into a few weeks at the end of the year, when...
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What do you do when you are afraid?

We spend so much time being afraid of fear.
Then we spend even more time being afraid of all the things that 'could go wrong' when it's time to make a decision. Especially if it's one that takes us out of comfort zone. 

Just facing the opportunity to make a decision about something, takes us out of our comfort zone.

Or as I like to call it, our comfort zone of discomfort.
But, the thing is, we know this place. We know all about how uncomfortable we are here. Even though it may suck, there is not an unknown here. We deal with that discomfort zone, because it's also one of comfort to us. 

So, we have this decision to make, and instead of making the decision from a space of trusting our soul,  we choose to dip into our shadow backpack, and conjure up and borrow all kinds of trouble from the future.

It starts with borrowing a little trouble worrying about how this decision could impact us tomorrow. That's not enough, so we conjure up a little more worry...

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I was sitting at home the other night, it was around 12:15AM, and I was half asleep waiting for my son to get home for the night.
Something all of the sudden didn’t feel right to me.
I knew it involved my son, and I was interpreting it as him having some sort of accident. (This was an intuitive feeling, different than the regular worry that comes along with being the Mom of a teenage driver).
So, instead of panicking I called in the spirit of my Grandpa who has assigned himself as the watcher over all the kids in the family. He especially watches over the ones that are driving.
I said, “Grandpa you’ve got to get to him and make sure he’s OK please.”  
A calm feeling came over me, so I let it be.
Five minutes later my phone is ringing, and it’s my son.
His car broke down, right before he was about to get on the freeway and make a 20 minute drive home at midnight.
He happened to break down where he could safely pull into a neighborhood,...

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A Day In The Life Of A Wayward Witch

I posted in my group today about how I was reflecting on my day, and I felt compelled to expand on it and share a message of hope, a message of choosing YOU, and of keeping your soul desires at the forefront of your intentions. 

A day in the life of a Wayward Witch...(and keep in mind for later, that five years ago none of this was my reality!).
Magic moments from my day today: 

  • For the first few hours of the day I did a bunch of random things that felt good to do, whatever I wanted in each moment- I worked on some content for my beloved Monthly Magic Membership, I worked on some info for the upcoming Intuition Building Workshop, had some coffee, chilled with the puppy (the one that ate my Tarot cards yesterday!)...there may or may not have been an early morning nap in there as well. 
  • Later on in the day I identified someone's walk in and opened up the invitation for it to be removed from their energy field.
  • I helped someone clear an attachment and cut some...
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Did you know I spend about an hour getting ready for our one on one sessions?
And I start tuning into your frequency the moment you book a session.
Even if our session is not for another few days, I am already starting to connect to your energy.

So, even though our session is only one hour, I also spend about an hour before hand prepping, clearing energy, setting the container, tuning in, tapping in, and starting to communicate with your guides your ancestors, or your passed loved ones- whoever chooses to come through for this powerful session together.

I pull cards, I ask to be shown what correspondence you can work with in support of your healing or your goals.
I call in your higher self from a space of connecting in with my higher self, and I ask to be shown everything you need to know right now that is for your highest good.

I pour white light into our session container, and infuse and encode the frequency of self-empowerment, healing, manifestation, and inspiration into...

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You Decide

Do you feel unhappy with your external environment or experiences? Have you taken inventory of your thoughts lately?

I say it all the time- Your healing and alignment IS the magic you seek.

When you release old emotions, baggage, traumas, or beliefs that no longer serve you, there will be room for so much more.

You truly get to re-imagine and re-design your thoughts, your beliefs, your energy signature, your experiences, your finances, and anything else you want to change.

It all starts with our healing, and with finding alignment.

Did you know...you no longer have to be a victim of your circumstances? And that deep within you, you DO have the power to expand and grow in any area of life you want?

Once upon a time, I was a person who was unhappy about anything and everything. My job, my finances, my relationships, my body, my thoughts.
And I really actually believed it was all happening TO me.
I was that victim of circumstance.

Until one day, it got to be so bad, and I felt so low, I...
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Addressing Current Times

I have been debating addressing what is going on in the world right now. This is a place of finding healing, finding magic, and finding a diverse supportive tribe. But what I am going to address in this post is a very important ingredient to your healing, and your magic, therefore I do feel compelled to say something.

I know times are crazy. I know there are those that are enraged, those that are scared, those that are opportunists, and those that want to make a difference.  

For every trigger, there is an opportunity for our own individual healing. That fact does not change just because it’s a bigger global event, or a single personal moment. This fact is still true.

So, you want to stop feeling the rage? The fear? You want to make a difference? You want to see change?

The best thing you can do for yourself, for your children, for your families, and for your communities is to first look at your own triggers. Your own wounding. Your own beliefs and reactions and where...

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Today's Message of Empowerment

This morning I worked with my pendulum and higher council to choose which deck from my collection wanted to work with me to bring a message of empowerment to the tribe today.

I wasn't surprised that the Goddess Power deck stepped forward, as it has been on my radar for the last week. 

Today's message is brought from the Athena and Uzume cards. 

Athena's Message: 
Athena represents knowledge and wants to remind us it is time to discover our "knowing" and then to stand in it. 

To get into a state of deeper empowerment, we want to choose our belief and now stick with that belief.  Are we afraid, or are we going to co-create our experiences? Lets stop dancing back an forth, pick a stance, and then work with it to our full capacity. 

Athena also lets us know now is a perfect time to gain greater clarity than we have ever had before. That sounds confusing, when there is so much uncertainty in the world.. but really though, what better time to decide to show up...

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